
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Carson's 2nd B-day Party.....Ladybug Style

Well this is only 1 month overdue but it has been a busy, busy fall.  So mostly I'll just let the pictures do the talking.  We had a great time at Carson's 2nd b-day.  Celebrating the day with friends and family.  Carson was so excited that it was finally her birthday this time.  Mostly she was excited about eating cake.  What can I say....Like Mother, Like Daughter:)

The birthday girl right before she ate one of the fondant ladybugs off of the cake....can you blame her?

So happy to see her Aunt Kendra!

Riley and Luke having a great time in the Bounce House~

Happy 2nd birthday sweet Carson!!  You are an absolute joy and the light of our life.  All the love in the world-  Mommy and Daddy~