
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Snow Storm in Atlanta

I'm ready to go outside Mom:)

We had a MAJOR snowstorm all over the Atlanta area in January.  They had been saying for days that it was going to be bad but you know how that goes.  We had no idea it would be quite so bad.  We ended up not even working until Thursday I believe and it was a nightmare just trying to go 12 miles.  We had between 5 & 6 inches.  For us Southerners.....that's a lot!!

Probably the only time she'll wear these "snow boots"

***Clearly I'm still learning when it comes to blogging.....these last two posts are in reverse order***

Valentines Day 2011

What a great Valentines weekend we had.  We went to a party at Carson's cousins Elise and Merryl.  Such a cute idea!  They had invited many of their friends and they were so sweet to include Carson.  She was the youngest there but she didn't care.

They played freeze dance, twister and ate yummy brownies.  What a precious idea for a party!

Mom & Cousin Mark in his "Valentine jacket"

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dear Carson

Dear Carson-

Time is flying by and as much as I don't want you just keep growing.  We are amazed by you every single day.  Sometimes I think you have more words in your vocabulary than I do.  I'm not kidding! 

Just the other night while trying to play your Barney CHRISTMAS (yes I said Christmas movie....even though it's almost the middle of are obsessed with Barney Christmas movies).  I swear that dinosaur has a spell over children.  At least he seems to have a good message:)  We play your movies in the Playstation mostly but we can also get them through Netflix directly through our downstairs television.  The Playstation was giving us trouble and wouldn't play your said "It would be better (sounded more like It'd be better if it was on Netflix).  WHAT?!?!?   You are 2 1/2.  Like I said we're amazed.

You're doing awesome with potty training.  We'll have to credit Honey for kickstarting this one last week when she stayed with us.  Thank you!  We have a couple of the small stand alone potties in our bathrooms.  But Daniel also brought home something that goes directly on the large potty.  This morning you pointed to the stand alone potty and said "Babies use those potties."  Well, alrighty then....but I already miss my "baby" terribly.

Daddy is teaching you the months of the year each morning on the way to school.  It is just precious to hear you say the hard ones.  You love to go over the days of the week too:)  You love your Daddy to pieces and I love that too.  It is hard sometimes when you prefer him but really.....I wouldn't have it any other way.

It's so bittersweet watching you grow.....we are so proud and in awe of you and excited for your next stage.  But at the same time we just want to keep you little:)!

Your biggest fans-

Mommy & Daddy