
Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Well here it is the day before Thanksgiving and I'm writing about Halloween!  2011 is gonna be a whole new deal:)  Sure it is.......Better late than never.

Yep, Halloween fell on GA/FL this year.  We had a great time watching the game with Carson.  She would say GOOOO Bulldogs!  Dissapointing game but hopefully they could hear us cheering them on.

My Witch hat I bought for $2.00 this year in hopes I would dress up.....sadly I did not.....good thing Carson put it to use.

Carson and Cady (in Carson's class who happens to be one of our neigbor's)
I really wasn't sure Carson was going to be into dressing up.  As you can see from the above pic. it took her a bit to warm up to the idea.  She kept telling people she was going to be a lion for Halloween but then was not so sure about the actual costume.

Our other neighbor's from next door came over and we ended up rushing out the door with them....hence why Carson has on what she does underneath her lion costume.  It was still super cute.

From the back was too cute!!
The aftermath.....sorting candy w/Daddy

Carson was really a trooper.....she walked around the whole block almost.  The later part Cooper carried her.  She just loved going to the door saying trick or treat and saying "Thank You."  My goodness I hope she continues to use the great manners she has!!

Until next time (hopefully not next month).....Happy Thanksgiving~

Friday, November 12, 2010

Giveaway Time from Shutterfly

So I read on one of the MANY blogs that I read that Shutterfly is doing this amazing giveway for Bloggers.  They are having a promotion where bloggers get 50 free holiday cards from Shutterfly.  Wow!!  Perfect in time for the holidays.  You can go to this link- and look at all of their great holiday cards.  Of course a calendar is always a great idea for a Christmas gift and you can look at Shutterfly's here-  And I think my favorite this year are their story cards-  Can't wait to pick out one of the story cards for our card this year.

We have always had such great luck using Shutterfly and I can's wait to get a jump start on this years!!  Don't forget to go to this link to get your 50 free Holiday Cards......

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

It's Fall Ya'll!!

Again overdue but you get's in the way.  If I had it my way I would have tons of time to blog and post pictures but that's not in the cards and that's alright too:)

We went to Cagle's Dairy Farm early in October and it was HOT! Daniel was recovering from a stomach bug that we all got that weekend so he didn't go with us.  My Mom and I took Carson and met the Fitzgerald gang there.  I thought we would want to do the Farm tour but again it was a hot fall day so maybe next time.  It is really adorable out there.  Great photo ops!!  Here are some fun photos of the day~

Seriously....she could not get enough of this tractor.

Love this one!!
Riley & Emma were not into having a family photo made this day:)

Such a great day!   Halloween pics. to come~

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Carson's 2nd B-day Party.....Ladybug Style

Well this is only 1 month overdue but it has been a busy, busy fall.  So mostly I'll just let the pictures do the talking.  We had a great time at Carson's 2nd b-day.  Celebrating the day with friends and family.  Carson was so excited that it was finally her birthday this time.  Mostly she was excited about eating cake.  What can I say....Like Mother, Like Daughter:)

The birthday girl right before she ate one of the fondant ladybugs off of the cake....can you blame her?

So happy to see her Aunt Kendra!

Riley and Luke having a great time in the Bounce House~

Happy 2nd birthday sweet Carson!!  You are an absolute joy and the light of our life.  All the love in the world-  Mommy and Daddy~

Friday, September 24, 2010

And just like that.....we are a family of 4:)

Now don't be silly.....I didn't mean another baby:)  But we did get a fish for Carson.  It was fun to take her to the pet store.  She seems to really like animals.  She loved looking at everything they had there.  We let her choose the fish and she wanted an orange one.  We asked her what she would like to name it and she said with no hesitation....."Nemo".  Well alrighty then.....Nemo it is.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Labor Day and Carson turns 2 in South Carolina

Carson and Sarah when we arrived....I think they were about to run across the room:)

We had a great time visiting our very good friends the Tillers in South Carolina over Labor Day.  I met Melissa and Josh in Athens while they were living there for Josh to attend UGA for his masters.  Melissa and I worked together and became fast friends.  She was a bridesmaid in our wedding.  She is the kind of friend that you don't need to talk to every day (though sometimes we may) or even every week and can pick up exactly where you left off.  I treasure these kind of friends.  She is my friend that I affectionately refer to as "Martha Stewart":)  This is because she is super crafty and such a domestic goddess!

It has been fun to watch our little girls together.  They seem to play very well together.  When we arrived on Friday Melissa and I took the girls to Fun Gym.  This is where you can take your kids to a free play gymnasium.   They had a blast!  It was great for Carson to be able to run around after a long car ride.

Carson on the balance beam:)

Walking down the trampoline with some help from Melissa

Ms. Sarah jumping on the trampoline

We told them to do the same pose and it's just too cute~

The next day was Saturday and Melissa and I planned to take the girls to the beach.  Melissa and Sarah had made these adorable cupcakes for Carson's b-day and we let the girls have one for breakfast:)

 It was the first time Carson had ever seen the beach.  She wasn't real sure about it at first (in fact I was a little worried that we'd have to leave).  She kept saying "I wanna get down".  Not sure if she thought we were up some place high:).....but she warmed up to it.  She walked around in the sand more and then eventually went out to the water with me.  Carson didn't want to leave the beach.....when it was time ago she was looking out at the ocean and said "Bye ocean.....I'll see you tomorrow:)"

Aren't they adorable?

Happy 2nd B-day sweet girl~

Fun in the Sun!

We had such a great time visiting and catching up with the Tillers.  Of course our trip would not have been complete without one small trip to urgent care:)  Carson developed pink eye on the day before we were supposed to leave.  We took it in stride and got her to the dr. and got the eye drops and we were good to go. 

A good time was had by all!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Impromptu the frozen food aisle

So yesterday morning we went to Publix to do our weekly shopping. There were not alot of people there due to it being Sunday morning. After about an hour of grocery shopping and Carson running around the store we hit the frozen section. It is there that Carson decides is the perfect place to give us a concert. She started out with Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee then onto You Are My Sunshine and her encore was Itsy Bitsy Spider. But each song was about 2 min. long because she doesn't quite know how to wrap them she just keeps singing, and singing and singing...... What are parents to do but stand there and clap for her:)??

Oh Carson, there is never a dull moment when you are around....Thank you for making us smile and laugh each and every day.

I wish I would have gotten a photo of her at the grocery store but I wasn't time.

We are gearing up to get ready for Carson's 1st beach trip in Hilton Head. Also, she turns 2 this Saturday. Sure to be a good time for us all!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Kids Say the Darndest Things

So wanted to blog about 2 things that Carson has said lately. This will surely being an ongoing post since she is always saying something funny!

  • We were pulling into our driveway several weeks ago from daycare and this is our conversation. Carson-"Know what?" Me- "What?" Carson "It's popsicle time" I laughed out loud and told her she is just a hoot. I swear she could eat a popsicle for breakfast, lunch and dinner if we let her. The hot weather combined with teething would make me want something cold like that too.

  • Yesterday the daycare called due to a fever and Daniel went to pick her up and took her to the dr. Last night I was asking her about her appointment. Me- "What did the dr. do today at your appointment?" Carson -"Took my temperature" Me- "What did the dr. say to you?" Carson (in all seriousness)- "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" Daniel and I died laughing.

Oh sweet keep us all in stitches each and every day!! How did we ever live without you????

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Where is the time going????

Dear Time,
Please slow down!!! My child is growing up way to fast.
The Hahns
I cannot believe that Carson will be 2 in September. What they say is true....When you have children time really flies!! She is turning into such a little girl. From getting taller and slimmer to slowly but surely getting more hair:) We keep saying we are going to trim it but we have WAITED.SO.LONG for her hair to come in I can't bare to cut any of it:)!

Monday, August 9, 2010

She's the Silly Band Queen

I mean seriously....she loves these things! They are ALL.OVER.OUR.HOUSE!!!! While they can make you crazy because they are EVERYWHERE I can't help but think it is hilarious all the same. I remember being at least 7 and wearing the jelly bracelets. The funniest thing about these is that she puts them all the way up her you can see from the picture above. My Mom got them for her several months ago and since then we are knee deep in the Silly Bands. Actually, she's not picky.....if you have a rubber band for your hair she will take that too....and try to put in on not her wrist but her bicep:)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

My Prayers for You Sweet Carson......

Every day I pray for you to be happy, healthy & safe but there are many, many more prayers I want you to know too.

  • That you always be the kindest person you can be (even when it is not easy).
  • That you will be happy.....truly, truly happy.
  • That you will not worry (please don't worry like your Mommy and Daddy tend to do, God's got this & will take care of it all:)
  • That you will try to smile and laugh every single day.
  • That you always see your full potential and know that you can do anything you want.
  • That you have a great relationship w/your Daddy and I.....just the way that we have w/our parents. Oh, we know it will be rocky at times....but that in the end....they are your biggest fans and best friends.
  • That you always appreciate and stay close to your family.
  • That you surround yourself with great friends and that they appreciate you for exactly who you are.
  • That you know just how very loved you are!!!
We love you to the moon and back Carson Clare!! You are such a joy and an absolute blessing to our lives.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

That Was Fun......

We went to Macon this past weekend to celebrate Uncle Justin's birthday. Around the Hahn family going to hibachi is the thing to do for your birthday! It's always a good time and we eat until we need to be rolled out. This time was no different. There were ALOT in our party so we had 2 hibachi tables for the soiree. Unfortunately, I really didn't get any pics. to post.

We were a little nervous about how Carson was going to react to all of this. We have never taken her to a Japanese restaurant. When we got there we had to wait about 20 minutes. Carson loved this....she loved going and visiting with the family (some standing, some sitting on a bench, Daddy standing at the nearby bar:). She is very social most times. Or shall I say when she knows the majority of the people. (Hmm.....I guess that's how Daniel and I are too). The thing we were most apprehensive about was Carson seeing the fire. Quite honestly, it kind of freaks me out too! No matter how prepared I am for always gets me! So yes....she did get a little upset but it helped for her to be in Aunt Kendra's lap:) All in all she did great to be in that crazy loud environment. (The waitstaff even gave Daddy their drum to play for Justin's Happy B-day song:)

When we got in the car to go home Carson said "That was fun." Glad she liked the Japanese restaurant....we are sure to have many more crazy hibachi celebrations!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Backtracking a bit.....4th of July

So for the 4th of July holiday we went down to Lake Blackshear to spend it w/our dear friends The Fitzgeralds. (I'll do a post on them some time:) Mandy and I have been friends for oh, let's see....forever and a day....and we all have such a good time together. So much fun that we have little girls similar in age. (I'm sure Daniel and Michael are secretly hoping Mandy or I will throw a boy in there at some point). We'll see about that:).....

Carson sure loves being at the lake. She loved all of the boats going by. She learned what a Sea-Do was and proceeded to call everything she saw in the lake a Sea-Do. (I think she liked saying that word). She got to feed some geese, went on a boat ride and the best part for her by far....eating homeade icecream. This child is truly mine when it comes to sweets....she loves them ALL....but particularly ice cream and cupcakes!!! Oh, dear....we are in trouble!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I'll Be 2 in September

So the last time Carson was in Macon with Daniel's parents they were teaching her to say "I'll be 2 in September". So cute! She doesn't always say it when you ask her how old she is but when she does it's precious.

Carson has been talking for what seems like before she was a year old.....We love it and love hearing the hilarious stuff that comes out of her mouth.

Here are a few others:

  • "Pick you up" (She hasn't quite learned her pronouns yet)...She says this when she wants to be picked up by someone

  • We seem to watch Rachel Ray every day after getting home from work/daycare. Carson will look up at the television and say "What she makin'?" She seems to be really interested so Daniel and I try to figure out what it is (if we didn't hear from the beginning) to tell her....Maybe she's a future chef:)

  • One day out of nowhere she started saying "Husband".....We have no idea where she got this from.....If you ask her who her husband is she will say "Hudson". He is this adorable little boy in her class. Oh, my 22 months and already speaking of husbands.

She says so much more and I am amazed at how much she remembers and says back to us. Every day is full of surprises with Miss Carson Clare!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

New to this......

So I have wanted to blog for quite sometime now. I love to read other people's blogs and it's a great thing to do if you don't have the patience to scrapbook:)

I really think it will be great for Carson to be able to look back, years later, for her to see what she was up to at each age and all of our wonderful adventures as a family....... So here we go.......